Guest Check-in Information FLIGHT INFORMATION Arrival in Cuba Flight Date Date Flight Time Time Airline Flight Number Departure from Cuba Flight Date Date Flight Time Time Airline Flight Number PASSPORT DATA Please attach a copy of your passport photo and information for use in the check in process. Passport Photo File InputChoose FilesNo Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png. Max. file size: 2 MB VISA Visas may be purchased from P2P LLC, or otherwise purchased at the airport. In either case, a Visa is required for travel to Cuba and passengers are soley responsible for ensuring they have a valid visa at the time of travel. NOTE: All U.S.-Cuban dual citizens should note that the Government of Cuba treats U.S. citizens born in Cuba as Cuban citizens and may subject them to a range of restrictions and obligations. The Cuban government requires U.S.-Cuban dual citizens who departed Cuba on or after January 1, 1971 to enter and depart Cuba using a Cuban passport. Using a Cuban passport for this purpose does not jeopardize one’s U.S. citizenship; however, such persons must use their U.S. passports to enter and depart the United States. Cuban-Americans who departed Cuba before January 1, 1971 may travel to Cuba on their U.S. passport but must apply for an HE-11 visa from the Cuban Embassy. Visa Purchase Method Choice 4Purchace from P2P LLCPurchase at airport or through alternate party Address Address Line 1 New Field Address Line 2 City State ---Select state---AlabamaArizonaArkansasAlaskaCarolina del NorteCarolina del SurCaliforniaConnecticutDakota del NorteColoradoDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawáiIdahoIllinoisIndianaDakota del SurIowaKentuckyLuisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMíchiganMinnesotaKansasMisuriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNueva JerseyNueva YorkMisisipiNuevo MéxicoOhioOklahomaNuevo HampshireOregónPensilvaniaRhode IslandTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaVirginia OccidentalWashingtonWisconsinWyoming Zip Code Other Details Please provide us with any other relevant information regarding your travel. Email 5 + 6 = Submit